Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Icky Sticky Fingers #1 and #2 UPDATES!

It's update time!

Icky Sticky Fingers Part 1: It's been 15 days and there is still no mold growth. This bread has some serious shelf life! I'm really glad we decided to try out a different type of bread with slightly different incubation temperatures due to the location (it's a lot warmer here than it was in Tahoe). I wonder how long it will take for this bread to show a little mold growth? Only time will tell...

Icky Sticky Fingers Part 2: It's only been 3 days and I'm seeing some significant mold growth! I'm getting some mixed results using the preservative free whole wheat bread. Paige's results are turning out great with the dirty bread showing more mold growth than the clean bread (see picture #1, upper left hand, top row). Charlie's dirty slice of bread has less mold growth than his clean slice of bread (see pictures #2, center (front of bread) and upper right hand (back of bread), top row). The control has the most mold growth (maybe I touched it too much when taking it out of the bag???). I'll give it a few more days and see what the final results end up being.

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