Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Icky Sticky Fingers Part 3!

Why not start another version of this experiment??? This time, I'm going to run the Icky Sticky Fingers experiment using petri dishes and homemade nutrient agar. I was excited to run across this very simple, very cheap recipe for nutrient agar on the internet as it could prove useful in my life science classes this year. All you need is some unflavored gelatin, a little bit of sugar, and some beef broth. You can find the recipe for nutrient agar HERE. They turned out beautifully, we'll see how they hold up over time.

Disposable petri dishes: $5.00/20 (these can be reused, sterilized in a solution of bleach water).
Gelatin: $2.50 for 4 packets.
Broth: I used prepared broth as opposed to bouillon cubes. The cost was about $1.00 per can. Each can of broth will make about 12 petri dishes.

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